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CLIL Methodology for Learning

CLIL Methodology for Learning

Creativity in the Classroom

Creativity in the Classroom

IBL - Inquiry Based Learning

IBL - Inquiry Based Learning

Interculturality at School

Interculturality at School

The Montessori Method of Teaching

The Montessori Method of Teaching

Moodle at School

Moodle at School

Disability: The Value of Difference

Disability: The Value of Difference

Teacher Training on STEM Education

Teacher Training on STEM Education

SEL - Social and Emotional Learning

SEL - Social and Emotional Learning



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You can ask for a grant for join one of the above courses to your Erasmus+ National Agency!


  • DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION FORM FROM YOUR NATIONAL AGENCY WEBSITE: To check the website of your National Agency click here

    • If you belong to the school education sector (former Comenius), the document should bear a name very similar to "KA1 School Education Staff Mobility.

    • If you belong to the adult education sector (former Grundtvig), the document should bear a name very similar to "KA1 Adult Education Staff Mobility.

    • If you belong to the VET education sector (former Leonardo da Vinci), the document should bear a name very similar to "KA1 VET Education”.


    In the Partner form sector (C.2 Partner Organization) you must insert AMFI OID number E10034731. All our details will automatically appear in the form. You can find more useful information for the application form in our AMFI PARTNER IDENTIFICATION FORM. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact us 

  • SUBMIT THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO YOUR NA digitally by clicking on "Submit on line;" see second last page of application form. PS: Before submitting your application form to your National Agency, please make sure that it fulfills the eligibility criteria. 

  • CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY AFTER APPROVAL by email at We'll send you all the useful information about your course. 

The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with our own eyes.

- Jack Hanna -

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