Our main aim is to guarantee an high quality work experience and social integration in the Italian hosting environment.
AMFI works with several professional profiles, providing internships as well as Work Based Learning (WBL) experiences for almost all qualifications for an exciting period in local enterprises and local schools, which have been accurately selected through the years, so to promote the best possible mobility results.
Our SERVICES include:
administration (learning agreement et. al);
search for top-level housing in the city center (apartments or hotels);
transfers to and from major airports, railway stations and bus;
research and management of Internships & Placements;
tutoring 24/7 with Whatsup communication group;
welcome meeting with refreshments;
training on arrival in order to facilitate cultural and social integration of the participant;
first cognitive meeting with the manager of the company/institution in which the training will be carried out, with tutor;
mid-term evaluation and other monitoring based on the ECVET principles;
AMFI official Certificate of Attendance;
final meeting with refreshments;
final BLOG article with pictures to use for dissemination purposes;

12 open positions

12 open positions

5 open positions

7 open positions