30 young Romanian nurses in Avezzano for a European Project
It has just successfully completed the European project "European Contributions to the training of future nurses" promoted within the Leonardo da Vinci program of the Ecological Postgraduate School "Sfântul Ştefan" Craiova - Romania, in collaboration with AMFI - Agency for Mobility and International Training and the Institute RSA Don Orione in Avezzano.
The 30 participants in the project had a vocational internship of 5 weeks (alternate in 2 different mobility flows each of 15 participants) at the Residential Health Care “Don Orione” in Avezzano. The President of AMFI Mr. Fabrizio Ranieri said: "An innovative project that correlated 2 different professional systems ensuring the sharing of the best practices in a sensitive area such as that of care for the elderly. A special thanks goes to Don Bruno Fiorini, director of RSA Don Orione who made this experience possible, to Dr Mario Gigante, Doctor of Structure and all the Staff of the Institute, who welcomed the young Romanians with the typical warmth of the gens Marsorum".