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Call for Partners Erasmus +


Erasmus plus KA1 - Youth Exchange

Project Name:

Europena Mountain Week - EMW

Description of the project:

The project aims to promote sport, cultural and relaxing activities among youngsters to be practised in mountain also through the promotion of respect for the hosting environment. The project follows Youth Exchange program aims (learn relevant themes, discover new cultures, habitat and way of life, reinforce values like solidarity and friendship). The Exchange points to promote and experience several open-air activities, the knowledge of Italian interior central villages local traditions and the education for environment for the young beneficiaries organizing sport events, freetime and cultural activities focused on the enrichment of the knowledge, the safeguard and the developement of nature and civil setting.

To hosting youngsters will be allowed to reach the environment and ecological education thanks to educational-mental and sport activities, a couple of concepts highly recommended to get practiced to mantain an healthy and balanced lifestile.

Besides the project aims to a transvers point:

- promote new ways of friendship and solidarity among youngsters passioned for environment, mountain sports and local tradition according to the purposes of the Statute and the Youth Exchange goals. Living together for a certain period of time, perform tasks that require patience, perseverance, endurance and solidarity with comrades less prepared helps to develop team spirit and friendship real far from that which is being developed in recent years in social networks.

Target group of the project:

youth aged between 18 – 30 years-old from the Programme Countries

Working language:

English – all participants have to be able to communicate using English language.


The project covers 100% of food and accommodation and the travel costs according to the budget expected for kilometers.

Note for partners:

If you are interested to become partner organization in our project please send us to the following documents:

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The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with our own eyes.

- Jack Hanna -

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