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Last minute Call for Partners Erasmus+ KA1


Erasmus plus KA1 - Youth workers Mobility

Applicant Organisation:


Project Name:


Description of the project:

Amfi wants to propose a project "VOCE" on the promotion of learning mobility of youth staff. The project is aimed at participants highly motivated to carry out work experience in the field of reference of the project, as storytelling method and animated lecture. Mobility will consist in a structured course.The mobility period will start from the month of June 2016. The project has the collaboration of a broad partnership, at European and national level. The promoter will, in particular, logistical assistance, preparation of beneficiaries, monitoring and evaluation of project activities while abroad beneficiaries. After returning participants will receive the YouthPass document which will certify the skills and abilities developed during the experience. The final results of the projects will be disseminated through the collaboration of project partners. Will be a final conference of the project where they will present the results of the project and the beneficiaries can testify about their experiences. The expected results of the project are the development and improvement of language skills, teaching (method), organizational and communicative-relational participants (n. 30) to this project project.Main indicators of success of the project will be:- The development of language skills, organizational and communicative-relational;- Greater knowledge in the field of design, testing of new teaching methodologies;- The creation of a partnership for the purpose of cooperation in the field of project: creation of new contacts, sharing of best practies with other trainers in youth sector;

Target group of the project:

Youth workers;

Working language:

English – all participants have to be able to communicate using English language.

Note for partners:

If you are interested to become partner organization in our project please send to the following documents:



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The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with our own eyes.

- Jack Hanna -

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