Vilnius School of Public Utilities, in cooperation with AMFI International, is coordinating an Erasmus+
KA1 project No. 2022-1-LT01-KA121-VET-000054502, which gave the possibility for welder
profession student to deepen his knowledge and skills. The mobility was implemented from October
5 to October 24, 2022.
Through the Erasmus+ mobility, participant was able to deepen his knowledge and skills in metal
welding field, also to get in touch with the Italian culture and lifestyle. Participant was able to
increase his competitiveness by acquiring real workplace experience and specific professional
MAIN GOAL: to improve learners' professional skills in real workplaces in foreign companies in order
to achieve competitiveness in the labor market.
If you want to organize your mobility programme with AMFI as Vilnius School of Public Utilities did, send
an email with your project details to incoming@amfinternational.org.